Yesterday's piece was about a future supervillain of Mrs. Hawking's, a woman who was her friend growing up in New Guinea, who is as smart as she is but choose to manipulate the system rather than fight against it. Today's piece shows them back when they were young Victoria Stanton and Elizabeth Danvers, before they were married and became Mrs. Hawking and Mrs. Frost. I think I will reproduce an awesome comment here by Kat Davis
"...Mrs. Hawking up against someone who can meet her on even footing. Seeing her actually sort of lose her cool and lose that sort of detached mentor-ish tone she always has with Mary (and, to a slightly lesser extent, the nephew), is refreshing. I like that Frost gets her worked up, gets inside her guard and gets to her in a way we really never have seen anything else do. I especially like that Frost sort of clucks her tongue and shakes her head and looks down on Hawking, who is always so aloof and above it all. There's condescension and even, or at least how it reads to me (and how I would read it), a touch of pity. And not because of how she was forced into a life she rejected. Not for what was done to her. But rather for what and who she is."
You'll note I am naming the major female figures in the Mrs. Hawking universe after the queens of England. We have Victoria and Mary already. Mrs. Hawking's nemesis and opposite, then, is Elizabeth-- one of the most powerful and brilliant of them all.
VICTORIA STANTON, rebellious daughter of the New Guinea territorial governor
ELIZABETH DANVERS, her companion
VICTORIA: What is that soldier up to, do you think? Hanging about like that?
ELIZABETH: There must be something he wants.
VICTORIA: Such as?
ELIZABETH: Could be any number of things. He could be on some assignment. He could want something from the territorial governor. Or…
VICTORIA: Or what?
ELIZABETH: Or a wife.
VICTORIA: Surely you’re not serious.
ELIZABETH: History has shown men are known to acquire wives from time to time. It happens to all of us before long.
VICTORIA: I am not about to be acquired by anyone, I promise you that.
ELIZABETH: Is that so?
VICTORIA: You know me, Elizabeth. Do you think I could bear to be any man’s nursemaid?
ELIZABETH: I doubt you’ll have much of a choice, when your father decides it’s time.
VICTORIA: Ha! That would require the leftenant to lift his notice to me long enough to recall that I exist.
ELIZABETH: Unmarried daughters lying around are often just inconvenient enough to attract attention.
VICTORIA: Even if that does happen, you can be certain I shan’t go quietly.
ELIZABETH: Oh? And what are you doing to do?
VICTORIA: Whatever it takes!
ELIZABETH: That’s not the way the world works, Victoria.
VICTORIA: Then blast the world.
ELIZABETH: I don’t think it should be so simple.
VICTORIA: What choice do we have? Else to buckle under?
ELIZABETH: I don’t mean to buckle.
VICTORIA: What, then?
ELIZABETH: I mean to make my best advantage.
VICTORIA: I don’t understand.
ELIZABETH: Why fight against the current when you’ve no hope to change its course? Instead, why not ride it where you wish to go?
VICTORIA: Because there’s no such place that it could take me. Is that what you want? Is that enough for you?
ELIZABETH: There is the difference between us, dear. I will not drown myself to spite the water.
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