I am borrowing an element of my ten-minute play Fountain Thoughts, of the performer who is reluctant to go on and runs away to wade in the water while she's trying to make up her mind. I think this can be a powerful motif and tie into some thematic elements of the greater story I'm working out.

Day #20 - "Last Shot"
(LISE wades knee-deep in a pond. MARINA approaches in a cold fury.)
MARINA: So is it true? Are you going to bail on the performance?
LISE: I don’t know if I can do it.
MARINA: My God. You are gutless.
LISE: You don’t understand!
MARINA: What’s there to understand? You’re punking out!
LISE: They don’t need me.
MARINA: Jason picked you.
LISE: Well, you can dance both parts! That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?
MARINA: Jason didn’t want me. He wants you.
LISE: Well, Jason was wrong. I don’t have it.
MARINA: You selfish little bitch.
LISE: What?
MARINA: You haven’t thought about anybody besides yourself since you came out here to wallow.
LISE: I just don’t want to screw this up for everyone.
MARINA: Unbelievable. You have no idea how to push, do you?
LISE: What? Of course I do! That’s all ballet is!
MARINA: You never had to push. You’re all talent, all perfect form. It was always easy for you, wasn’t it?
LISE: I worked hard too!
(MARINA splashes into the water with her.)
MARINA: Worked through what? You never had anyone ever tell you that your legs were too stocky, or that your hips were too tight. You never had to fight against a turnout that wasn’t wide enough, or too-short ligaments, or… or…
LISE: Your knees.
MARINA: Yeah. Or knees that never seem to loosen up, no matter how long or how carefully you work them. You’ve never had to do that, have you?
LISE: No. But I know what it’s like to work through the pain, Marina!
MARINA: Really? You know that it’s like to keep pushing and keep pushing no matter how much it hurts, until eventually you work them so hard they can’t take it anymore.
LISE: I saw. It’s bad, isn’t?
LISE: Isn’t it?
MARINA: You have no idea.
LISE: You won’t be able to go on much longer like that.
MARINA: Exactly! Don’t you get it? This is my last chance! It’s going to blow, Lise. I know that, I’m not an idiot. It’s only a matter of time.
LISE: So why are you doing this to yourself? Do you want to ruin that leg forever?
MARINA: What’s the use if I can never dance again anyway?
LISE: Is that worth being in pain for the rest of your life?
MARINA: Ha! Too late for that now.
LISE: Oh, God.
MARINA: I’m on my way out, Lise. I’m going to go out on top. And I can’t do that if you bail out. You’re the one they want to see.
LISE: Marina, you are a beautiful dancer.
MARINA: Not beautiful enough. You’re the one that has the talent, the skill, the passion, the look… everything they want. Jason saw it, that’s why he picked you. And I could never stand you because… you’re everything I’ve always wanted to be. This was… supposed to be my whole life. Now I’m going to have to figure out something else. That’s going to be hard enough without… without getting my one last moment. People are going to see me one more time. They’re going to see what I can do. But the only way that’s going to happen is if they come to see you. So you can’t bail on this now. You can’t do that to me.
LISE: Marina—!
MARINA: Don’t you ruin this for me. Don’t you take my last shot from me!
(She storms away, leaving LISE alone in the water.)
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