Again, this is EXTREMELY SPOILERY for the game, so do not read if you have not played and someday intend to. But for those who have, this piece features the PC Clarissa Dunn, played so far by Tory

(CLARISSA DUNN , a young girl in buckskin clothes, sits at a small campground eating jerky. An enormous rifle lays at her side.)
(Enter DAMON BARRETT, a middle-aged man in frontier garb and a black hat with a pack on his back. He stops short when he sees CLARISSA, surprised.)
DAMON: Howdy there.
(She snatches up her gun.)
CLARISSA: You stay back now.
DAMON: Why, you’re just a slip of a thing.
CLARISSA: Matilda here makes it so that don’t matter so much.
DAMON: Matilda, huh? That’s a big gun for a little girl.
CLARISSA: And I know how to use it! So don’t try anything funny, you hear?
DAMON: Fear me not, I seen what pretty little things can learn to do with those. Mind if I rest awhile, if I promise to behave myself?
CLARISSA: If you want.
(She lays the rifle across her lap. DAMON sits down a little ways off from her, laying his pack aside.)
DAMON: Don’t see too many girl children out here on their lonesome. Where’s your ma and pa?
CLARISSA: Ain’t got ‘em no more.
DAMON: Well. Nothing for that. Reckon you must take care of your own self, or else you’d not have made it out here.
CLARISSA: That’s for damn sure. I know most of the trappers around these parts, but I ain’t never seen you before. You from hereabouts?
DAMON: Used to be sometimes, not anymore. I just… go out every now and then. Roam around, see what I see.
CLARISSA: Yeah? What for, if you got settled someplace now?
DAMON: Looking for… for something, I suppose. Not even sure I know for what any more. Probably something I can’t find.
CLARISSA: Well, I know exactly what I’m after. Justice for my old papa.
DAMON: Yeah? What happened?
CLARISSA: Some varmint shot him. And I mean to see him pay for it.
(She hefts the gun.)
DAMON: Aw, hell. That’s a heavy load for a young thing to bear.
CLARISSA: Ain’t nobody else going to do it.
DAMON: Would your mama want you dragging that gun around the woods just to get vengeance?
CLARISSA: Sure as she didn’t. But she left after my papa died.
DAMON: Christ. That’s rough, sweetheart.
CLARISSA: Can’t say as I blame her. She was all alone in the world after that. The woods was no place for her. And I ain’t your sweetheart.
DAMON: No, that’s plain. Well. I wish you good fortune on your way. Hope you find it before it’s too late.
CLARISSA: Too late for what?
DAMON: For everything else. Can be right hard to have a different life when you spend so much time another way. Things slip away before you know it.
(He leans back thoughtfully. He takes hold of a length of chain hanging off his vest with a silver coin on the end of it and begins idly twirling it. CLARISSA notices it and starts.)
CLARISSA: What’s that!?
DAMON: What’s what?
CLARISSA: That there! On your watch chain!
(He holds it out to look at it.)
DAMON: This? Nothing, just an old Spanish coin.
CLARISSA: I remember that thing, that thing on the watch chain dangling off his belt… it was you. It was you who done it!
DAMON: Me? Done what?
CLARISSA: And your black hat! I remember that black hat too!
(She hefts the gun and clambers to her feet.)
DAMON: What are you doing?
CLARISSA: I ain’t going to forget in a million years! It was you that day! He was a trader up in the territories named Marlon Dunn, and you killed him!
(He knocks the barrel aside just as she pulls the trigger.)
DAMON: A trader from around here? I killed no such man!
CLARISSA: He was my father and you killed him!
(With effort she swings that massive gun back toward him. He begins backing up hurriedly.)
DAMON: Swear on my mother’s grave!
CLARISSA: And for that, I’m going to kill you!
(She fires again and hits him in the leg in an explosion of blood and bone fragments. He falls to the ground, howling in pain.)
CLARISSA: I know what I saw! He had a black hat, a black mole on the back of his neck, and a pierced piece of silver on a watch chain!
DAMON: Jesus Christ!
CLARISSA: I was six years old! He was working at a trading post, and you gunned him down before me and my mother’s eyes!
DAMON: A trading post…? Wait! Wait! What was that name? What was your father’s name?
CLARISSA: Marlon Dunn.
DAMON: Marlon Dunn— oh, Jesus. Oh, gentle Jesus.
(He collapses in on himself.)
CLARISSA: Now shut up! I been waiting years to say my piece. His name was Marlon Dunn. He was my father and you killed him. And for that, I’m going to kill you.
DAMON: I see. Well, little lady, I do not blame you one bit.
(She hefts her huge gun and levels it at him.)
DAMON: Flora, my girl, you and Jesus forgive me.
(CLARISSA fires. DAMON collapses in a heap, dead. She lets the heavy gun drop, gasping for breath, almost sobbing. After a moment, she goes to the body and yanks off the silver piece on the watch chain. Then she kicks him over so that he lays face down and kneels beside him.)
CLARISSA: Where is it… where’s your damn mole…?
(She pulls down his collar and pushes away his hat so she can look at the back of his neck.)
CLARISSA: There… there ain’t one. No. No. Can’t be.
(She searches intently for a minute, then backs away quickly.)
CLARISSA: Black hat, silver piece. It has to be him, it has to be. But… he ain’t got no mole. Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus.
(She snatches up Matilda and clings to it as if for comfort. She dithers there a moment, back and forth.)
CLARISSA: If you ain’t him… what did I just do?
(She scrambles to pack her campsite back up, holds her gun to her chest, and scurries off like a hunted animal.)
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