The ballet they will be doing in the piece is Swan Lake. I didn't want to do that, as another prominent ballet-themed property The Black Swan used it recently, but its plot serves the rivalry I wanted so well.

Day #22 - "Complement"
(A rehearsal studio. JASON the director is flipping through a notebook. MARINA is carefully stretching her legs, the picture of focus. LISE enters, surprised.)
MARINA: What’s she doing here?
LISE: Where’s everybody else?
JASON: Nobody else today. Just the two of you.
MARINA: What for?
JASON: The two of you need to work on your performance in relation to each other.
LISE: What does that mean?
JASON: Odette and Odile need to be identical enough that you can be mistaken for each other, but different enough to create a contrast. Two sides of the same coin. So I want you to start working on matching each other.
LISE: Our styles are completely different.
JASON: I’ve observed that.
MARINA: Why would you pick us if you wanted two dancers that looked the same?
JASON: Are you even listening to me? I want the contrast too. But you’ve already got the contrast down. Now I need you to figure out how to complement each other.
(They look at each other warily.)
JASON: Show me the mirror dance. Tell me what you each notice about how the other executes it. Go on, already.
(They take their places facing each other and begin to perform a dance with movements that mirror one another.)
LISE: Slow down.
MARINA: Can’t you keep up?
JASON: It’s not a contest. What do you notice?
MARINA: Her arms are a technical mess.
JASON: Marina.
LISE: Yeah, well, you can’t pirouette on your left side.
JASON: Jesus, grow up, you two. Just do what I asked already.
(They continue dancing, watching one another.)
LISE: She’s… very precise.
JASON: Right. She finds marks and she hits them. You find something, Marina.
MARINA: She’s fluid. Seamless from one step to another.
JASON: Yeah, everything flows.
MARINA: I feel like I’m dragging my through so you can match me.
LISE: You’re too staccato, it’s all choppy.
MARINA: I’m not compromising just to make you look good!
JASON: Jesus Christ, get over yourselves. I don’t have time for this. If I wanted to do a show with just one dancer on the stage for two hours, I’d just do it myself and not bother with any of you. Go take a break, and when you come back, I expect you to be ready to work.
(MARINA storms off.)
LISE: I can’t work with her.
JASON: Oh, save it.
LISE: She hates me. She isn’t going to cooperate.
JASON: Then you make it work. You’re the lead, the show’s on you.
LISE: Oh, God.
JASON: But hey, you’ve got it all down, right? Just so you know, Cechetti couldn’t turn on his left side either, you know.
LISE: Really?
JASON: He choreographed all his pieces so that he never had to. And he has a whole method named after him.
(JASON turns to exit.)
JASON: Find some way to make it work, Lise.
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