Day #2 - "Fitting"
(AMY sits on a stool sewing a piece of ballet costuming. Periodically she throws nervous glances at the door. She bends to her task intently, trying to finish.)
(Enter MARINA, a dancer dressed in dark leggings, a leotard, and a ballet shrug. She has her pointe shoes slung over her shoulder.)
MARINA: Are you not done yet?
(AMY starts embarrassedly.)
AMY: Yeah, just about!
MARINA: We had an appointment.
AMY: It’s okay, it’s ready. Just a few finishing touches.
(She hands over the dress and watches her expectantly. MARINA tilts her head and looks at her in annoyance.)
MARINA: Do you mind?
AMY: What?
(MARINA makes a “turn around” gesture with her finger.)
AMY: Oh… okay…
(AMY turns, making a snotty face. MARINA, holding her body awkwardly away from AMY, quickly gets out of her ballet shrug and pulls on the dress, somewhat stiffly, and over her leggings and leotard.)
MARINA: Well? What do you think?
(AMY turns back around.)
AMY: You didn’t get out of your stuff?
MARINA: I don’t have a ton of time for this.
AMY: It looks a little weird.
MARINA: Just check the fit then!
AMY: Okay, fine. Well, at least lace up your ribbons, then, and let me see.
(MARINA rolls her eyes, and starts to bend down to do so, but grits her teeth and stops abruptly. She holds out her shoes.)
MARINA: Can you… can you just do it for me?
AMY: What?
MARINA: I can’t bend down in this thing.
(Exasperated, AMY turns back to her and starts adjusting the bodice.)
AMY: Is it too tight?
MARINA: It’s fine!
AMY: Well, you can’t not be able to bend in it! Here, I’ll adjust it.
(AMY starts undoing it.)
MARINA: No, don’t!
AMY: Oh, Jesus.
(AMY steps back to reveal there are bandages wrapped around her shoulders. MARINA clutches her costume and tries to cover herself.)
AMY: What’s wrong with you?
MARINA: Nothing!
AMY: Are you okay?
MARINA: It’s nothing, I said!
AMY: Is… is that why you can’t bend? Are you in pain?
(AMY kneels down beside MARINA and yanks up one of her tights. Her knee is black and blue.)
MARINA: Stop it!
AMY: Oh, my God! You go on like this?
MARINA: I have to!
AMY: Does the doctor know?
MARINA: You can’t tell him!
AMY: Marina! You can’t dance on this! He wouldn’t allow you!
(MARINA grabs hold of her by the shoulders and looks at her desperately. AMY stops short.)
AMY: Oh. Oh, God.
MARINA: Amy. Please.
(She lets AMY go. AMY considers. She kneels down next to MARINA and looks at her knee. Then, after a minute, she rolls the legging back down.)
AMY: The fit looks pretty good. How does it feel?
MARINA: Good. It feels really good.
AMY: Good.
(She gets up and helps MARINA back out of the costume, very carefully to avoid hurting her.)
MARINA: Thanks.
AMY: It’s my job.
MARINA: I… I might need some opaque tights too. Can they please be opaque?
AMY: I’m in charge of the dye lot. They will be.
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