This is another attempt at a rewrite of a scene previously written for Sally and Deadeye, based on the backstory of The Stand. This one comes just before piece #3 for the month, and is extremely spoilery for The Stand if you have not played.
FLORA JOHANSSON, formerly an outlaw
SISTER ESME, a nun at the convent
FLORA: You needn’t do anything for me.
SISTER ESME: Nonsense. It’s our duty. You look like you’ve not eaten in days.
FLORA: Well… it’s been rough.
SISTER ESME: It’s our business to comfort folks in a bad way.
FLORA: That’s real good of you, marm. But you don’t got the whole story. I ain’t your sort.
SISTER ESME: What sort’s that?
FLORA: The sort you want about here. I done things. Bad things.
SISTER ESME: In my time, miss I found that them’s the folks most in need of a little pity.
FLORA: It ain’t just that, though.
FLORA: You see, marm… it ain’t just me. There’s somebody else too.
(FLORA looks away and lays her hands across her stomach.)
FLORA: Hasn’t got a daddy. Hasn’t… got anybody. So you don't want nothing to do with me.
SISTER ESME: Miss, that’s the sort we’re concerned with most. Always room for one more lost soul.
FLORA: I ain’t even Catholic.
SISTER ESME: It’s not safe for a little one out there.
FLORA: Just… just for a spell, then.
(The sister extends her arm to show FLORA the way. FLORA hesitates a moment, then scurries off stage right. The sister follows after.)
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